HQ, CTF, S&D (how many games were played like Gears of War rather than arming the bomb?), all had people that played that too farm kills. The thing that ruined CoD for me was the fact that you couldn't get away from the multitude of KDR ho's by switching to objective gametypes. Yes but having TDM in the game would train people to camp, worry about their K/D, and do other things CoD-like. At least it would add another feature to the game. Plain and simple, if Team Deathmatch was added, you do not have to play it. I enjoy playing it from time to time, but that is because I'm somewhat open when it comes to gaming. Don't rage on me thinking that I'm a CoD fan, because I'm not. I can see why most people would say no, because this game is made for teamwork and objectives, but why not at least have Deathmatch (Team Deathmatch of course) as an option? It isn't as if you would be forced to play it, so why be so against it? You could still play the objective games, but having parkour in a Deathmatch game mode would still be innovative and fun, considering that no other game (to my knowledge) includes both of these things in this way.